Thursday, March 17, 2011


Okay so this isn't exactly going to run through smoothly today i will need you to complete a task, one that is completely capable of boosting your confidence around women and for yourself!
Try your best to engage in conversation with one woman you have NEVER met.
This may seem tricky but it is diving in the deep end so to speak, go for it!!
It may be in a work, a starbucks line or even outside your home this morning!
Go for it, even a "hello" or smile and say "good morning" really makes you feel good, feedback please! :) enjoy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lets Get Started!

Hello fellow males! Whether your the guy at the bar watching the girls without confidence or not the best looking chap in the world, look no further!
 I will provide easy tips, videos and other media devices to ensure you come out of your shell!
Stay tuned for my daily stories and reviews on how to get women, and how to take it to that next level!